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why? Image
why is it that we always think our perspective is correct?  or at least 'righter' than the next guy's?  is that just human nature?  how can i have an appropriate amount of confidence in my ability to judge and think and decide but still be open to what i don't know? (which is considerable, i must say)how can i

remember the story...

remember the story...

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remember the story... Image
   Remember the story.   Mary was alone and afraid.    But God was with her and exalted her among women. Joseph was disgraced.    But God revealed in Joseph's cause for disgrace God's plan to save the world. The world was in darkness.    But God sent the light of life to shine.   The lowly were imprisoned.

who knows you?

who knows you?

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who knows you? Image
who knows you?  who really know you?  not just the 'you' that is put out there for people to see...the PTA meeting, church-going, 'clean up your house cause company is coming' you, but the person who wears a clemson snuggie around the house or the one who piles laundry on the couch that stays there for days.  or the



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change? Image
wouldn't this be awesome?? do you welcome change?do you long for it?or do you dread it?we are told to be the change, accept the change, create the change, have the courage to change.  that change is inevitable, the essence of life, the only constant, the key to success.“when you're finished changing, you're finished.”...ben franklinperhaps ole ben has it

per usual...i'm behind

per usual...i'm behind

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per usual...i'm behind Image
december 1 was 6 months to 50 for  me.     as this landmark day looms in the not so distant future and in my typically melodramatic way, i've decided to blog my way to 50.  my reasons are purely selfish.  public forums motivate me to stick with things, basically.  while i'm fairly happy with the woman i am