
hardest word ever for me.  how can only two little letters be such a pain in my butt??  

i mean, i can 'GO' if it's about my kids.
or my job.  
or even my hubs (he'll likely disagree and honestly he's probably right.  he often gets lumped into the 'things i can procrastinate about' category)
but when it's about me, lots of times i stop.  
or never start.  
this month, this fall is about changing that pattern.  
it's time to stop milling around the starting blocks, stretching my quads and such.  (lolz)  
it's time to GO.

GOing for me looks different than GOing for you.  some of my GOing is actually about stopping...downsizing my life and overcommitments. 

learning to say NO to what's good so i can say YES to what's best.  for me.  

Taking Care of Me. 
newsflash, I'M NOT 20 ANYMORE.  sounds crazy but i have to remind myself that my brains, my body, and my soul need different care than they did at 20.  so in the reassessing, i've started some new routines.  and let me explain what i mean by routines, cause i am the kind of person that will just flat out quit if i miss a time or two of stated goals, feeling like a total failure.  by routine, i mean most days.  doing my best.  being committed to these.  not enslaved by them.  there is a difference.

1) morning time (for reading, praying, journaling, sitting still, listening.)  
2) exercise (and i don't mean walking up the stairs to get my phone. i mean working out, running, getting stronger.  actually doing a push up)
3) caring for me (more sleep, eating healthier, less alcohol, reading more, etc...)
4) building margin (saying 'no' so that i can say 'yes.'  but more on this later)
5) having fun.  reading.  hanging out with friends.  

Taking Care of My Family.
that looks totally different now than it did 10 years ago.  or even 5 years ago.  
my family is older.  20, 18, and 15.  
two of them don't live with me on a daily basis.
how do you take care of someone who doesn't live with you 
(besides wellsfargo.com/transfer.money.to.me??)    
what's the right way to 'mom' my beautiful young women?  what speaks love to them?  how do they need me to guide them?  
and how about Wy?  what about him?  what's the right amount of freedom? responsibility? 
and how do you have a vibrant loving growing relationship with your husband when he travels?  a lot.
a relationship that changes as kids leave but is strong. and fun. fulfilling. meaningful.
i don't have any bulleted goals for this.  i'm trying to listen to them, to pay attention and make time for them.  being present.  engaged.  

Taking Care of Our Home
my poor house has suffered the last 5 years or so.  my job requires so much of my creative energy that my house is an afterthought.  so i have two goals (yes, bullet points) concerning home and house:
1) downsizing:  getting rid of the extra, the stuff that i've just accumulated, but don't need and don't use.  making space.  less clutter.  
2) rearranging and beautifying.  it's time to reinvent some spaces.  moving around what i have.  redesigning (channelling my inner CBL...)  

so that's it.  
kinda boring.  
not unique.  
but what i think, what i hope is that as i do these things, as i get GOing here, in these fairly mundane areas, i'll open up the door to who knows what other awesome adventures.  

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  1. I love everything about this. You and I are wanting the same things. I try everyday. I do well some days and fail other days. But I keep trying, that's what is important right!?
