a sense of wonder.

(nester.  i'm sorry.  i'm trying.  it was really ambitious of me to sign up for 31 days of blogging.  but i'm taking you at your word. 'It doesn't have to be perfect to be beautiful.'  

i agree.   so i'm gonna continue on, regardless of being behind.)

jaded and cynical.  at times that definitely describes me.  
especially in our current political season.  
if i let myself, i can go down a road of curmudgeon-y disillusionment.  
i don't want to be that girl.  
i also don't want to be the pollyanna, 'always looking on the bright side' chick either.  honestly, that nauseates me too. 
i want to be honest and real, looking at life and the world with humor and gratitude.
loved this reading below and wanted to you to hear it.
listen to this...
From St. Augustine on Jesus' miracle at Cana...
"Our Lord's miracle in turning water into wine comes as no surprise to those who know that it is God who did it.  At the wedding that day he made wine in the six waterpots he had filled with water;  but he does that same thing every year in the vines.  The servants put the water in the jugs, and he turned in into wine.  In the same way the Lord turns into wine the water that the clouds drop.  Only that does not amaze us, because it happens every year...."   The miracle that breaks the rules reminds us that the rules themselves are miraculous.  

We need to rediscover and cherish a basic sense of wonder, of surprise, of the precariousness of actuality.

Ecclesiastes, the dismal world weary preacher of the Old Testament, might grumble that "there is nothing new under the sun" (Eccles. 1:9) but the New Testament answers loudly and excitedly, "Look, I am making all things new" (Rev. 21:5).  Of course, ...all of us ... get Ecclesiastes moods... but we should not devote our minds and imaginations to prolonging and  justifying them.  We should aim rather to have minds and imaginations able to respond joyfully....This kind of appreciation cannot help but include an element of thanksgiving.  As Chesterton said, "Children are grateful when Santa Claus puts in their stockings gifts of toys and sweets.  Could I not be grateful to Santa Claus when he puts in my stockings the gift of two miraculous legs?"'

happy monday.
here's to a sense of wonder this week.

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  1. really enjoy the way you write. :) and yes, it was that cute button that took all that work that pulled me here from those 1200+ other 31 dayers!

    i did it last year, too, and got behind. don't let that stop you. in the end, you will have a body of work to be proud of. love "here's to a sense of wonder this week"-perfect. :)

  2. Thanks so much Patty. you're very encouraging.
    i'm looking forward to reading your blog too.

  3. Love reading your stuff Tracy!! And I love you my friend!!
