i remember it.
seems like it was just yesterday.
but time has a way of flying by.
whether we're ready or not.
and often, it's bittersweet.
i mean, i'm known to get teary when i see moms and their little nuggets (shout out to you, Momi) dressed in tutus or superhero costumes, strolling through Target, eating the cheese puffs out of the bag in the cart.
when my kids were cart-riding little, i remember a friend talking about having teenaged/young adults children and saying how much she loved it.
excuse me? really??
i was incredulous. i couldn't imagine it.
less control of them.
raging hormones.
friends i didn't pick...how could this be something i'd love??
fastforward. 10 years.
and it's true. that friend was right.
my kids are fabulous.
they're not perfect, mind you, but who is?
but they are creative. and loving. and smart.
witty. compassionate. self-aware. independent.
they are movers and shakers.
they are world changers.
they are forces to be reckoned with.
and regularly they teach me more about living life than i would have ever imagined. i just need to keep listening.
wonder if i can ride in the cart now?
love this!