Hi, My name's Tracy and I'm a procrastinator.
in this blog i want to explore the fine art of putting off until tomorrow what you don't want to do today. in my experience with procrastinating (and believe me, i have experience) there are several types of procrastination...allow me to explain.
there's the I HATE DOING ______ (feel free to fill in the blank for yourself.) frequently, my procrastination falls into this category. laundry...we aren't friends. here's some evidence.
i hate folding and putting away laundry. this basket has been in my room since sunday when my sweet husband folded these clothes and put them in this basket for me to put away. and thankfully i gave birth to children who will be required to fold these towels when they get home.
not only am i a procrastinator but i'm also a hedonist. and a right lazy one at that.
i want to feel good. i want to have fun. many times i put off the responsible thing because i'm having a good time or i don't feel like it right then. (the guilt comes later and it does, believe me. i will touch on this later...if i get around to it)
so here's my conflict and i've been thinking about this for a long time. it seems ok for kids to slack off and have fun. and i know other perfectly happy, well adjusted adults who can sit peacefully, watching a movie while piles of laundry are undone and they don't seem at all conflicted. you see the reason i'm even writing this blog is because i'm not ok with this part of me. and it's not just about figuring out when it's ok to blow off the dishes in the sink to read a book and when i need to get off my big ole butt and get to it. it's way bigger than housework. it's more about figuring out who i'm pleasing with my folding or lack thereof.
so i've long since established what i am, but now i'm trying to figure out why. and who set the expectations for me? did i? i used to blame others (my sweet hubby, god bless him) for being so freakin' neat l but i think it really all just comes down to me.
what do i want? what do i think is right? what do i think i should do or be? am i at peace with being a procrastinating hedonist? or do i need to change? who do i need to please?
what about you? who are you trying to please?
stay tuned...

i hate folding and putting away laundry. this basket has been in my room since sunday when my sweet husband folded these clothes and put them in this basket for me to put away. and thankfully i gave birth to children who will be required to fold these towels when they get home.
not only am i a procrastinator but i'm also a hedonist. and a right lazy one at that.
i want to feel good. i want to have fun. many times i put off the responsible thing because i'm having a good time or i don't feel like it right then. (the guilt comes later and it does, believe me. i will touch on this later...if i get around to it)
so here's my conflict and i've been thinking about this for a long time. it seems ok for kids to slack off and have fun. and i know other perfectly happy, well adjusted adults who can sit peacefully, watching a movie while piles of laundry are undone and they don't seem at all conflicted. you see the reason i'm even writing this blog is because i'm not ok with this part of me. and it's not just about figuring out when it's ok to blow off the dishes in the sink to read a book and when i need to get off my big ole butt and get to it. it's way bigger than housework. it's more about figuring out who i'm pleasing with my folding or lack thereof.
so i've long since established what i am, but now i'm trying to figure out why. and who set the expectations for me? did i? i used to blame others (my sweet hubby, god bless him) for being so freakin' neat l but i think it really all just comes down to me.
what do i want? what do i think is right? what do i think i should do or be? am i at peace with being a procrastinating hedonist? or do i need to change? who do i need to please?
what about you? who are you trying to please?
stay tuned...
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