eureka! ...dammit.

eureka! ...dammit.

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eureka!  ...dammit. Image
i'm learning something.  and it's a hard lesson. everything changes.  (you think i'd know title and all)   for example, my kids... when my family was younger, i didn't notice it as much and i probably wasn't as disturbed by it because some changes i was looking forward to...wearing a belt again after having a baby, not



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be Image
advent reading today.  excerpts below.  comments following.  italicized comments mine. 'we create holy ground and give birth to Christ not by doing  but by believing and loving the Infinite One who stirs within. (this requires paying attention to the stirring, if there even IS stirring)  This requires trust that something of great and saving importance is growing and

the morning star...

the morning star...

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the morning star... Image
i love this reflection on advent.  comes from a book i'm reading with friends called 'Watch for the Light.'   too many times this season comes and goes and its all about work for me.  these readings change my perspective.  i'm happy about that.  i need that.  i want to be awed by the fact of Emmanuel...God with us.