Everchanging indeed.

Everchanging indeed.

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Everchanging indeed. Image
This is a quote by Donald Miller. Ran across it today as i was declaring war on the status quo of my life...I loved it then and I love it now. "I want to keep my soul fertile for changes, so things keep getting born in me, so things keep dying when it's time for them to die.

saying goodbye to do do

saying goodbye to do do

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saying goodbye to do do Image
the list kills me. it's  infinite, absolute, all-embracing, bottomless, boundless, enduring, enormous, eternal, everlasting, illimitable, immeasurable, immense, incalculable, incessant, inestimable, inexhaustible, interminable, measureless, never-ending, numberless,  perpetual, stupendous, supreme, total, unbounded, uncounted, unending, untold, vast, wide, without limit, without number   I'M TIRED OF BEING A SLAVE TO IT i do a lot of writing (aka bitching and complaining)