eureka! ...dammit.

eureka! ...dammit.

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eureka!  ...dammit. Image
i'm learning something.  and it's a hard lesson. everything changes.  (you think i'd know title and all)   for example, my kids... when my family was younger, i didn't notice it as much and i probably wasn't as disturbed by it because some changes i was looking forward to...wearing a belt again after having a baby, not



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be Image
advent reading today.  excerpts below.  comments following.  italicized comments mine. 'we create holy ground and give birth to Christ not by doing  but by believing and loving the Infinite One who stirs within. (this requires paying attention to the stirring, if there even IS stirring)  This requires trust that something of great and saving importance is growing and

the morning star...

the morning star...

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the morning star... Image
i love this reflection on advent.  comes from a book i'm reading with friends called 'Watch for the Light.'   too many times this season comes and goes and its all about work for me.  these readings change my perspective.  i'm happy about that.  i need that.  i want to be awed by the fact of Emmanuel...God with us.

the outward appearance

the outward appearance

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the outward appearance Image
so i've spent this last week working, fretting, copying and pasting, editing, perusing, studying how to make this site LOOK good. cause i really really care about that.  for me, as much as my words, the visual represents me. it's still in process.  the name has changed at least 50 times. why can't i just be like the

a composed soul is better than white teeth...

a composed soul is better than white teeth...

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a composed soul is better than white teeth... Image
love these thoughts from my friend Mike Moses... click here and then here sometimes weeds are pretty...

the parable of the crest white strips

the parable of the crest white strips

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the parable of the crest white strips Image
i want white teeth.   they will make me happier because i'll be prettier and look younger, right? so, i save up my money and buy the most expensive crest white strips i can find.      day 1.  i'm so excited.  i apply the crest white strips.  so much better.  i feel good about myself. day 2.

Hi, My name's Tracy and I'm a procrastinator.

Hi, My name's Tracy and I'm a procrastinator.

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Hi, My name's Tracy and I'm a procrastinator. Image
in this blog i want to explore the fine art of putting off until tomorrow what you don't want to do today.  in my experience with procrastinating (and believe me, i have experience) there are several types of procrastination...allow me to explain. there's the I HATE DOING ______ (feel free to fill in the blank for yourself.) frequently,

Freedom now.

Freedom now.

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Aha. Really. At the risk of being one of those obnoxious people who overstate the obvious and act like they are enlightening the world, it really just became clear to me. Seems I spend much of my life trying to get 'there.' When I get 'there' I'll be happy, skinny, smart, hip. When I get 'there' I'll be

today (1.7.11)

today (1.7.11)

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today (1.7.11) Image
this is my favorite time of day.  Everyone is up and off.  i've pried them out of bed, fed them, made their lunches, hugged and kissed them.  then i can hear it. the beautiful sound of quiet. in days past, you'd find me rushing around, making a to do list,  scurrying about, trying to accomplish it, so that