Hi, My name's Tracy and I'm a procrastinator.

Hi, My name's Tracy and I'm a procrastinator.

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Hi, My name's Tracy and I'm a procrastinator. Image
in this blog i want to explore the fine art of putting off until tomorrow what you don't want to do today.  in my experience with procrastinating (and believe me, i have experience) there are several types of procrastination...allow me to explain. there's the I HATE DOING ______ (feel free to fill in the blank for yourself.) frequently,

Freedom now.

Freedom now.

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Aha. Really. At the risk of being one of those obnoxious people who overstate the obvious and act like they are enlightening the world, it really just became clear to me. Seems I spend much of my life trying to get 'there.' When I get 'there' I'll be happy, skinny, smart, hip. When I get 'there' I'll be