the day i almost quit.

the day i almost quit.

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the day i almost quit. Image
i almost quit on God. almost broke up with Him. for real.  and for lots of reasons.  i was ready to throw in the faith towel,  if you will.  i'd been murmuring, complaining, crying about it all for a while.  i'm sure He heard me.  with questions like: 'where are You?'  'do You care?' 'are You good?' 'does



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encourage Image
who cheers you on?   who sits on the sidelines of your life and encourages you?   who kicks your butt when you need them too?   who cuts your black eye so you can see?  (like mick did for rocky?) who's your mick? who speaks truth to you? who tells you the hard things you need to hear? who doesn't



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ACCEPT, pt2 Image
i've found this prayer site (thanks to my friend Aron Gibson) called pray as you go. it's a Jesuit site, which means it's a bit outside my ordinary mindset and that's a good thing for me. the readers are British, which makes listening to them fun. the site is set up to take about 12 minutes, starting with

ACCEPT \ek-ˈsept\

'Among my most prized possessions are words that I have never spoken.' ~Orson Rega

'Among my most prized possessions are words that I have never spoken.' ~Orson Rega

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 'Among my most prized possessions are words that I have never spoken.'  ~Orson Rega  Image
when you talk as much as i do, you say a ton of crap you shouldn't say. in the 52 years i've walked this earth, i've said some heinous things to people i love.  on purpose.  because i was mad. or right. or even because i was the mom.  or the wife. and i've also said lots of