divided highway

it's stunning how polarized we are about the upcoming election.
that's a newsflash huh??  nothing like stating the obvious.

i'm saddened by it all.
the name calling.
the faith doubting.
the sheer ugliness of our society towards one another.  it's not civil.
we forget we are on the same side.
not Romney's side.
or Obama's side.
but the side of America.  the UNITED states of America.

my husband and i disagree on some political issues.
i'm not gonna lie to you.  last election was hard for us.
but this time around we've had better conversations, civil discussions, heated at times, but civil.
on many things we've just had to agree to disagree.
and there are issues where he thinks i'm flat out wrong and tells me so.
and visa versa.
but ultimately our disagreements remain about the issues.  it's not personal with us.  i don't doubt his character or his faith or his intelligence because we don't agree about everything.
and visa versa.
cause ultimately we are going the same direction.  we just disagree on the best route to take.  and at the end of the day, life is more than, bigger than who sits in the oval office.
and that's something algie and me definitely agree on.

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  1. Amen, Tracy. You and Algie are going about it the correct way. The anger I have seen splashed across FB has deeply saddened me. I think a healthy exchange of EDUCATED political views thrown in with some funny parodies from SNL is both fine and fun. But the venom one of my FB friends (from a different part of the state)spews on her page all day long makes me wonder if she is teaching her children to feel this hatred as well. Her venom is so strong that I fear she will have a heart attack while typing her words of intense hatred... LOVE YOU! Leslie
