bajabas (ba-ha'-bəs)
i learned this word from the fabulous Gabrielle Lorraine Carvell-Vaughan. (i actually think the word became a part of my vocab when Gabs was here in the Hville and maybe the word actually came from Andrew Capets? but nonetheless she gets the credit because i associate the word with her.)
anyway, 'BAJABAS' is an AWESOME word.
it means 'gotcha.'
and today, Jesus said 'bajabas' to me.
i'm minding my own business this morning, making smoothies and lunchies for my men, chatting, drinking coffee, all the usual. At some point, Algie said some thing that i thought was judgy about someone. and being the good wife that i am, i quickly pointed that out. quoted him some bullshize, eh, truths about kindness and living a life of meaning, etc...yada yada yada.
and then i pulled out the big gun.
as he was walking out the door, i yelled, 'would you have said that if Jesus was here?????' (hear in my voice 'oh yeah, baby. no trumping that comment.')
cause you know i'm all Christ-y cause i am practicing lent and just got back from storyline conference and work for God and all...
feeling a little uneasy about that last exchange, i justify it in my mind. 'speaking truth is loving someone.' 'it's my job to hold him accountable. he wants to tell a better story with his life. how can he if i don't help him?'
so i sit down to read and meditate and pray as i've committed to do more regularly during Lent. see that story
here. and i read about Jesus as Immanuel, God with us. and as i'm writing about this, i think, 'how will i live differently if i believe this about Jesus? that he is always with us.'
i start thinking about Algie. and what he said. and what i said. and it occurred to me that if Jesus had been physically standing in my kitchen drinking a blueberry smoothie, i would have TOTALLY let
him call Algie out about being all judgy. and i would have minded my own business.
Don’t condemn others, and God won’t condemn you.
God will be as hard on you as you are on others! He will treat you exactly as you treat them.
You can see the speck in your friend’s eye, but you don’t notice the log in your own eye. How can you say, “My friend, let me take the speck out of your eye,” when you don’t see the log in your own eye? You’re
nothing but show-offs! First, take the log out of your own eye. Then
you can see how to take the speck out of your friend’s eye.
matthew 7:1-5