divided highway

divided highway

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divided highway Image
it's stunning how polarized we are about the upcoming election. that's a newsflash huh??  nothing like stating the obvious. i'm saddened by it all. the name calling. the faith doubting. the sheer ugliness of our society towards one another.  it's not civil. we forget we are on the same side. not Romney's side. or Obama's side. but the

gettin' schooled.

gettin' schooled.

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gettin' schooled.   Image
i remember it. seems like it was just yesterday.   but time has a way of flying by. whether we're ready or not.   and often, it's bittersweet.   i mean, i'm known to get teary when i see moms and their little nuggets (shout out to you, Momi) dressed in tutus or superhero costumes, strolling through Target, eating the



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U-TURN Image
i really wanted to grow my hair out.   i've had short hair for years and i wanted to change it up.  i do that a lot.  change it up, that is. so my friend and hair designer (i just can't say 'hairdresser' cause what David does is art.  really.) said ok.  now this is a dangerous proposition because my

a sense of wonder.

a sense of wonder.

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a sense of wonder.   Image
(nester.  i'm sorry.  i'm trying.  it was really ambitious of me to sign up for 31 days of blogging.  but i'm taking you at your word. 'It doesn't have to be perfect to be beautiful.'   i agree.   so i'm gonna continue on, regardless of being behind.) jaded and cynical.  at times that definitely describes me.   especially in



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GO. Image
'ON YOUR MARKS' 'GET SET' 'GO' hardest word ever for me.  how can only two little letters be such a pain in my butt??   i mean, i can 'GO' if it's about my kids. or my job.   or even my hubs (he'll likely disagree and honestly he's probably right.  he often gets lumped into the 'things

enjoy the ride.

enjoy the ride.

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today's words are the inspiration for the theme of the month.  written by one of my all time favorite artists, James Taylor. you can listen here. The Secret of Life The secret of life is enjoying the passage of time Any fool can do it There ain't nothing to it Nobody knows how we got to The top of the hill But since